
Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

30 | 31 janUARY > 1ST fEBRUARY 2024, Marseille

Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

3 > 5 FEBRUARY 2026, Marseille

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DUNE Interactive
Port Van Gogh – 2 Quai Aulagnier 92600 Asnières / Seine, France
Tel: +33 6 24 64 53 27

This website is published by SOGENA

com-euromaritime@sogena-events.com  Tel. : +33 (0)1 56 59 15 15
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Videos: Sogena / iStock / Gilles Martin Raget
Photo credits: SOGENA / iStock / Gilles Martin Raget / Anne-Solfried Walloe – OYVIND HAGEN – offshore
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