
Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

30 | 31 janUARY > 1ST fEBRUARY 2024, Marseille

Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

3 > 5 FEBRUARY 2026, Marseille

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Christophe CASTANER, new chairman of EUROMARITIME :the ambition of a low-carbon maritime industry in support of the blue economy

Christophe CASTANER president of the port of Marseille Fos and former French Minister of the Interior will be leading the 2024 edition of EUROMARITIME.

Elected to the head of Marseille Fos port in November 2022, Christophe CASTANER leads the Supervisory Board which defines the seaport’s strategic orientation with the clear objective of “reconciling environmental excellence, competitiveness and economic atractiveness”.
To ensure stable growth of the “Grand Port”, its president is firmly committed to supporting projects aimed at decarbonising the maritime sector : “I believe that we are currently witnessing the beginning of a great revolution driven decarbonisation”.