
Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

30 | 31 janUARY > 1ST fEBRUARY 2024, Marseille

Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

3 > 5 FEBRUARY 2026, Marseille

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France Cyber Maritime is a non-profit organization created in November 2020. Its main purposes are to increase the resilience of maritime and port operations to cyber threats and to develop a network of expertise in maritime cybersecurity. To complete these tasks, France Cyber Maritime fosters the creation of tailored cyber security solutions and operates the M-CERT (Maritime Computer Emergency Response Team), a national centre which provides information and assistance to all maritime and port operators. Today, France Cyber Maritime counts almost 60 members. It is supported by the Secretary General for the Sea (SGMer), ANSSI (the French Information Security Agency), France Relance, Brest Métropole and the Brittany Region.