
Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

30 | 31 janUARY > 1ST fEBRUARY 2024, Marseille

Trade fair for an innovative marine industry

3 > 5 FEBRUARY 2026, Marseille

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(Gliders for Research, Ocean Observation & Management, Research Infrastructure) coordinates several European capacities for observation at sea with Marine Autonomous Systems. This infrastructure promotes a collaborative approach to collect and share oceanographic data, which includes the complex activity of maintaining at sea over long periods a large number of gliders, as well as long range surface or underwater autonomous vehicles.

GROOM RI distributed infrastructure also supports marine robotics testing, development, and training. Like similar pan-European distributed RI facilitating marine research and observations, GROOM RI fosters interdisciplinary excellent curiosity driven research and challenge-oriented science needing sustained observations in coastal seas and in the global ocean.